Wednesday, February 20, 2013

down 3lbs!

I haven't been able to get to Crossfit since last Thursday but thankfully, I did go last night.
Killer workout but I forgot to take a picture of the whiteboard so I could post. 
I'll do that tonight.

I did run on Sunday and actually ran, on my lunch hour, yesterday:
4.466 miles on Sunday
3.202 miles on Monday
I am also considering running today at lunch and I'll be heading to CF at 6:30 tonight. 

I've decided to do the Advocare 24 Day Challenge starting on March 4th.
I'll be sure to post my progress and before and after pictures.
Yep, you heard that right.
Before and afters, in a bikini, for all the world to see. I'm so excited! /sarcasm

Oh, and I'm down 3lbs since cutting out alcohol for Lent. I haven't had a drop since Saturday, February 9th and I feel great!

The pool opens in about 2 1/2 months and I intend to be bikini ready. My milkshake will bring all the boys to the yard.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

So, I fought that headache all week. Add to that, I was crazy busy all week between work, getting ready for Bunco, at my house, on Friday, and dealing with the girls activities.

I did CrossFit all week, though. Let me update you. :)

Tuesday WOD
12 min AMRAP - 10 rounds
7x back squat (85# - I think)
10x KBS (20#)
During the 12 min EMOM stop and do 40 JR

Post WOD - 4:47 minutes
100 Slam balls for time 
I started with the 20# for 35 and then finished the last 65 with 15#

Wednesday WOD
For Time: 23:10
1200m run (8 laps)
10x side to side ab mat (10#)
900m run (6 laps)
20x ab roller
600m run (4 laps)
30x clap/HR push up
300m run (2 laps)
40x T2R or K2E

Thursday WOD < 3
Eva - for time - 38:34
5 rounds
Run 800m (5 laps)
30x KBS 
30x pull ups

For Thursday, I ran for 2 rounds and then rowed the last 3 rounds. KBS, started with 20# the first 3 rounds and then moved to 18#. Pull ups were done with the green and purple band.

So, the headache came back every night but Wednesday. I didn't go on Friday and am taking today off as well. I may either run tomorrow or try to go to open gym if possible.

It's been a rough week for me between work, the headaches and the ex husband. Just trying to keep moving forward right now. Thank God for CrossFit. It really helps me unwind at the end of the day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I've been battling this headache for two days now and I thought it had gone away. 
Went to CrossFit tonight and about 3 minutes into the workout, it came back.

WOD - For Time
50x walking lunge
20x clean and jerk (65#)
30x ring dips (did them on the box)
25x wall balls (14#)
30x GHD
30x kbs (20#) could probably go up to 25#
150 jump rope


Post WOD 
2x 500m row for time

I think my time would have been better had I not had to deal with this stupid headache.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday morning - parter wod

100 kbs (20#) - (jumping jacks)
100 pull ups - (plank)
100 kb cleans - (mountain climbers)
100 kb push press - (6 inches)
100 sdhp - (box jumps)
100 kb goblet squat - (wall sit)

Our time was somewhere around 45 minutes, I believe

ETA: I feel like I should explain the above WOD a bit. Since it was a partner WOD, I didn't have to do 100 of any of those...we just had to split it up. Then, while one of us was doing our portion of the 100, the other partner had to be doing what was in parenthesis without taking a break. My partner and I split everything up evenly and typically did 25 reps and switched until we completed the 100.

I woke up this morning with a headache, drank a couple of cups of coffee and headed to the box for open gym. I wanted to make up Friday's workout which I missed.

Friday's WOD

Ass and Abs - 5 rounds of

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
walking lunges
ab mat sit ups

Post WOD 
4 rounds tabata (20 secs on/10 secs off)
kb swings - 20#
wall balls - 10#
slam balls - 20#
pull ups - green + purple band

My headache came back after the workout. Bummer. Now, I'm back in my pj's, chilling out on the couch until the girly's come home. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I love burpees...said no one ever!

10 rounds for time
all done with the girl bar plus 20# (65#?)

2x dead lift
2x power clean
2x front squat
2x push press
2x back squat

9:26ish - I can never remember my exact time

Post WOD damn near killed me.
100 push ups for time - 4ish minutes...UGH!


3x 25 burpees

OMG! 75 burpees? Eff me! I seriously thought I was going to die or throw up. 

Oh and I decided what I'm giving up for Lent. 

Alcohol. No more from next Wednesday through the whole month of March.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cardio WOD

750m run (5 laps around the building)
200 jump ropes
750m run 
200m row
750m run
200 jump ropes
750m run 
200m row

For time - 25:22

I need to make sure I pee 3x before class and work on my kegels. Stupid weak pelvic floor. 

Post WOD
6 rounds
20sec ab mat with 10# wall ball
10 sec off
20 sec broad jumps

Weird thing happened tonight. My back started locking up during the second round of jump ropes and then, during the last round of running, I had shooting pain up my right side into my boob. I had to walk about 1/2 a lap.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

just one of those days...

3 Rounds for time - 14:34 (totally sucked tonight on the time)

5x snatch (w/ the bar)
10x overhead squat (w/ the bar)
10x K2E (knees to elbows)
10x leg pistol
10x burpees
10x ring push ups
10x kbs (kettle bell swings)
20x mountain climbers

Um, can you say painful? Ring push ups? WTF?! Cruz (my CF instructor) had to hold the rings for me as I was not stable. Tonight just sucked and I was the only one in the class so there wasn't as much motivation.  Enough whining. I did it. I made it. 

Post WOD
3 rounds (now I'm wondering if it was supposed to be 4 but I only did 3...yes, my brain is fried)
15x kbs
20x ring dips (I had to switch to dips on the box because I suck)

Don't get me wrong, I still feel like I had a great workout.
I'm just being hard on myself.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cindy, Cindy, Cindy!

Benchmark WOD tonight

20 min AMRAP
5x pull ups (green band and purple band)
10x push ups
15x air squats

I completed 18 rounds. I think I could have done better but I'm definitely proud of the pull ups. I started with the blue band and look where I am, now!

Post WOD - 4 rounds
500 meter row
1 min ab mats

I am exhausted today after an insane day of work but this workout definitely help clear my head!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's the freakin' weekend!

Our WOD today just about killed me. I don't typically lay out, on the ground, like half the class does after a WOD but, tonight? OMGosh. I was done. I know what my problem was. I didn't eat enough throughout the day. I got so busy with work in the afternoon and honestly totally forgot about my afternoon snack.

For time: 9 rounds
7x squat clean (I started with the guy's bar but ended up with the women's bar)
8x burpee box jumps (I did step ups on the 18" as I'm still terrified to jump)
I finished in 17:45.

Post WOD
EMOM for 10min (5 rounds of each)
15x kettlebell swings (the lowest weight)
20x tricep dips on the box

I am so sore. I really want to go tomorrow morning but I think I'm going to miss it so I'm going to try to get a 5 mile run in. 

Oh and I'm tired. So tired. Between work and crossfit, I am just beat but it's a good tired.