Tuesday, February 5, 2013

just one of those days...

3 Rounds for time - 14:34 (totally sucked tonight on the time)

5x snatch (w/ the bar)
10x overhead squat (w/ the bar)
10x K2E (knees to elbows)
10x leg pistol
10x burpees
10x ring push ups
10x kbs (kettle bell swings)
20x mountain climbers

Um, can you say painful? Ring push ups? WTF?! Cruz (my CF instructor) had to hold the rings for me as I was not stable. Tonight just sucked and I was the only one in the class so there wasn't as much motivation.  Enough whining. I did it. I made it. 

Post WOD
3 rounds (now I'm wondering if it was supposed to be 4 but I only did 3...yes, my brain is fried)
15x kbs
20x ring dips (I had to switch to dips on the box because I suck)

Don't get me wrong, I still feel like I had a great workout.
I'm just being hard on myself.

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