Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 1 - easy peasy

I woke up around 7:30 but didn't fully get out of bed until closer to 8:30am.
I woke up energized and ready to begin this challenge.
The scale was my first stop.

Starting weight is 158lbs and, I'm actually down 7lbs in the past 3 weeks anyway from cutting alcohol out of my diet. Lush. 
After weighing myself, I headed downstairs to take my Catalyst and then, I mixed up my fiber drink and Spark. 
Not gonna lie. The fiber drink was pretty nasty. My Advocare Advisor suggested I mix the fiber drink with the Spark and I did but I know what I did wrong for day 1. 
I mixed my Spark separately with about 8oz of water and then, I mixed my fiber drink with about 6oz of water and then, I mixed them together.
Bad idea.
That made 14oz of fiber drink to choke down. 
I tweaked my process for Day 2 and it went down much more smoothly. 
After that, I headed back upstairs to take my measurements and before pictures. 

I swear the camera really does add 10lbs. Especially when you have less clothes on. I swear I feel skinnier in jeans and tops.I thought about posting all of my befores (I took front and one from each side view) but I think I'll just post one of them and then, I'll do comparison side by sides at the end. 

I know y'all are super excited to read about my every move today but I really wanted to give you an overview of the first day. 
It really wasn't that hard. (TWSS)
I was never really starving or craving anything. 

After the measurements and pictures, I headed back downstairs to make breakfast and take the Omegaplex.
Scrambled eggs (they're in a blob like that because I cooked them in the microwave) and strawberries

I decided to head to the grocery store after breakfast as the girls were at my mom's from their sleepover the night before and I hate taking them to the grocery store with me.
I swear they have to touch every.single.item. on the shelves and fight and argue and drive me freaking insane.
Also, my mom decided to take them to Kohl's and Michael's to go shopping so I had some extra time to get a few things done.
Off to the grocery store to spend nearly $80. Almost all of that was produce, too. 
Home to put the shiz away and off to CrossFit for open gym.

Oh and I'm pretty sure I drank a Spark and took Catalyst before heading to the gym.

I got there just as they were opening at Noon and Tiffeny was there as well so we decided to work out together and chose this workout from Tuesday.

We did the walking lunges while holding a 15lb plate overhead and this workout amounted to approximately 150 lunges, I think.
81 pull ups (yes, you read that right...more on that in a sec)
81 ab mat sit ups
81 push ups (I'm a wuss and had to do these on my knees)
Time was 23:36 for me. Tiff was a bit faster. 

I was so proud of myself though. 
When I started CrossFit, I had to use the strongest band (blue) to help with my assisted pull ups and now I'm down to using just the green band which is the 2nd easiest.
Next stop will be the purple band and then, no band!! 

Here's an example of what it looks like with the band. You knot it around the bar.

Step into it

And, pull up

I'll admit, after working out is the only time I was really, really hungry.
I should have planned ahead and brought a Meal Replacement Shake with me, duh.
Because I left CrossFit and had to drive to my mom's house to pick up the girls. 
I had thoughts of stopping by Arby's, or Hardee's for something to hold me over and then would remember that I can't eat anything like that right now.
I also drove past a Sonic. Mmmmm, Cherry Limade but, nope.

So, I got the girls and we headed straight home so I could shove something in my pie hole. 
I did end up drinking a Meal Replacement shake and then crashed and took a 1/2 hour nap.
Then, I got up, drank a Spark and took Catalyst (now, I'm thinking I took too many Catalyst yesterday though) and ran 1 mile because I'm also crazy enough to sign up for a running challenge for the month of March.
A minimum of 1 mile needs to be run everyday. 

I decided to make a Paleo meatloaf for dinner last night. I used Coconut Flour instead of breadcrumbs. 
It was nasty. I followed her directions but there was too much flour and not enough liquid so the meatloaf was dry, crumbly and very floury tasting.
I ate it but didn't make the girls eat it.
Oh but I did make some kick ass guac to dip my cucumber slices in. OMG, it was so good! 
Just an avocado, lime juice, tons of cilantro and 2 spoons of fresh, all natural salsa. 

Then, before bed, I took the herbal cleanse and Catalyst again. See, this is where I think I took too many Catalyst. 
Better tracking today.

Ok, so I was really worried about cravings.
Especially at night when I typically have some sort of chocolate to satisfy my sweet cravings but all in all, I was perfectly satisfied all day. Weird.
As for water? I probably guzzled 80oz or more. 
I drink a lot of water and have been for awhile now.

I've rambled on long enough. I should have kept better notes throughout the day and will make sure I do better for day 2 as I feel like this post is a bit disjointed. 

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