Thursday, May 2, 2013

The things we do for our kids

So, my beautiful baby Peyton is growing up and she's tired of wearing her glasses.

I'm totally biased but she has the most perfect face, ever. Seriously, girl has awesome skin and perfect eyebrows.

Last year, our optometrist had spoken to me about a newer type of contact that you can wear overnight. It actually shapes the eye, while you sleep, and when you wake up, you remove the contacts and can see [close] to 20/20 all day. You can read all about Ortho-K here

We had an appointment on Tuesday and her dad and I have decided to go ahead and get her these contacts. Y'all, I could probably go on a Caribbean vacation with the amount we're spending on these contacts. No lie. 

So, why, you might ask am I spending the money, on these contacts, for her? Aside from the fact that she's my child and I would do most anything for her, there are some benefits. 
  • No more glasses slipping down her face while she's cheering, playing softball or doing any other sport. 
  • With these overnights, she will be able to see all day, even at the pool, over the summer and YES, this is a big deal people. We spend A LOT of time at the pool. 
  • No worries about dealing with something getting into her eyes and messing up her contacts. I hated dealing with sand, at the beach, when I had my contacts. No worries of dust, dirt, eyelashes or eye makeup (when she's older) messing with her sight. 
Also, I dealt with wearing contacts for the better part of 10 years and I hated them. I also hated glasses. I still, to this day, believe my Lasik was one of the best decisions I ever made. I have now had 20/20 vision since 2001 and could not ever imagine having to deal with contacts or glasses again.

I'm really excited about this next step for her and I can't believe my baby is growing up! I swear she just came home from the hospital yesterday. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 15 and feeling blah

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I'm still hanging in there despite feeling like shit last week and have a completely shitastic birthday.
I started feeling cruddy last week and by last Wednesday night, after sitting in the freezing wind and cold for Peyton's softball game, I was done.
Sneezing, stuffed up, sore throat, nauseous.
I woke up Thursday morning (happy effing birthday to me) feeling like shit but determined to make it to Crossfit.
After Crossfit, I headed home and stopped by my awesome neighbor's house because she had left a message that she had pressie's for me.
I had scheduled a massage for 1pm so I decided to run to Target to window shop and peruse the makeup aisle.
Imagine my irritation when I get to Target and they have every effing employee stocking the makeup aisles and they're essentially blocked by the carts full of product.
Obvs, this day was not going as planned and I was getting irritated so off to Walgreens to spend my money and screw you, Target. :snob:
I also stopped by Publix to grab a couple of steaks for me and the girls for dinner since, due to softball practice and the 24 day challenge, we wouldn't be able to go out to dinner.
Then, back home for my massage!
Only that kind of sucked, too.
Don't get me wrong, the massage was great but try having a massage when your nose is running and your face down on the massage table. Not fun.
And, I couldn't breathe.
After the girls got home, we had time for homework and just a bit of hang out time before we had to head to the softball fields.
Did I mention it was freaking freezing? We were out there from 5:30-8:15 but I sat in the car from about 7:00 on.
And, I felt like such crap that I had no energy to make the steaks for dinner.
Taco Bell, for the girls, had to do.
And, a meal replacement shake for me.
Happy Birthday, to me!

Although, I don't think I'm looking too bad for a 36 year old

I'm still hanging in there with the challenge and still haven't deviated off the plan. I'm down another 2lbs and actually squoze (yes, that's a word) my ass into a pair of size 6's Friday night and yesterday.
Jeans, that I haven't seen in years.
And, they looked damn good, too, if I do say so myself.
The only thing I'm really missing is hummus so I've decided to pick some up (since it's not really unhealthy, per se, just unhealthy when you eat the entire container in one sitting).
I'll just have to ration it and use it to dip veggies instead of my beloved Special K chips.

Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon and can shake the blahs.
I'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself lately.
The girls go to their dad's house for like the next 5 weekends in a row due to Easter and Spring Break.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with myself.
And, I'm going to miss them.
Sad face.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Cleanse results

Ok, so now for the nitty, gritty deets.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little disappointed with my results on the cleanse but I am trying to remind myself that this is not the 'lose weight phase'
I also know that the scale can be a nasty bitch and I need to pay more attention to the fact that all of my size 8 jeans are now falling off of me.
It seriously looks like I have no ass in them and yet,
my size 6's are still just a bit too tight so,
I'm getting there.

***warning - guys feel free to skip over this part***
Another little bump in my 10 day is that I started my period about day 8 and I think that is why my weight is up a bit.
I have to say that although I was PMS'ing last week, I had no cravings on this cleanse and I didn't feel like a raving bitch at any moment.
I'd call that a freaking win!
I really attribute that to the OmegaPlex and the fish oils calming any anxiety.
***TMI - complete***

Another point to make is that I made it to CrossFit 9 out of the 10 days on my cleanse so I really believe I'm building muscle while losing the fat.
That would explain why the scale didn't go down as much, yet my clothes are fitting better and falling off of me.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Because, really, other than that small amount of dark chocolate I had on my sauteed bananas, I really had no sugar and nothing bad.
I ate ridiculously clean and I am starting to worry that I didn't actually eat enough protein.

Ok, so for before and afters on just the 10 day...can you guys tell a difference because I sure as hell can't.

So, all in all, the cleanse was a success, I guess.
I feel healthier overall.
My clothes are fitting better.
I'm really not missing any 'bad' foods.

My goals for the next phase or what I've heard referred to as 'the burn phase' is to [hopefully] get down to about 152ish or lower, of course.
That's only 4lbs in the next 14 days.
Can I do it?

Another random thought.
I'm having a really hard time accepting that good fats are ok.
I'm talking avocado, olive oil, grass fed butter.
I know that I probably need to eat more to lose more but that's just such a foreign concept after years of being led to believe that I need to eat less.
Eating more 'clean' foods is the way to go.
I just need to wrap my brain around that.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 8 means 16 days left!

I knew today would be a little off for me since I slept in a bit and was on the go. 
Let's bullet point the boring, nitty gritty.
  • woke up and downed 3 Catalyst
  • 30 min later - Spark mixed with fiber drink (don't think, just swallow)
  • 1 egg, 2 egg whites scrambled w/ spinach
  • clementine
  • crossfit - lots of core work, 100 slam balls w/ 20# and a 1 mile run
  • Meal Replacement shake for lunch
  • grocery shopping (walking through that bakery section sucks ass right now)
  • home and another Spark
  • DELICIOUS snack of 1 banana sauteed in kerrygold butter, topped with raw almond butter and a small amount of organic 70% dark chocolate.

  • Dinner was Spaghetti squash w/ grass fed ground beef and natural, sugar free spaghetti sauce. 
So, for those of you who know me pretty well know how much I hate to cook. I loathe it really. 

This? Totally me.

So, I spent the better part of 2 hours in the kitchen today. 
Preparing the spaghetti squash.
It was actually super easy. 
Just cut it in half (carefully, those suckers are a bit hard to cut into)

Scoop out all the gunk from the middle and place that sucker skin side up, on a cookie sheet, in a 425* oven for about 35 minutes.
You'll know it's done when you can press the skin, with your finger, and it makes a bit of an indentation.
Remove from the oven (duh) and let it cool off (another duh). Then, just take a fork and scrape all the 'squash' out. 
I forgot to get a picture but  it totally looks like spaghetti! 

So, while the spaghetti squash was in the oven I was prepping my food for the week. 
I chopped all my veggies, made homemade guac (DE-LISH) and got my chicken, for tomorrow, marinating.

Who is this person and what the hell has she done with the real Jenny?
And, I actually enjoyed being in the kitchen today! 
Crazy, huh? Is it a full moon? Is the world coming to an end?

I know, I know, the excitement of my life is just keeping you all on the edge of your seat, right? 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Day 7 and the Atlanta Food Truck Park

Lucky me, I got to start my day out standing in line at the tag office. I arrived 20 minutes early and I was still about 20th in line.

You see, here in the great state of Georgia, we have to pay personal property taxes on our vehicles and renew our tags based on our birthday. Since my birthday is in March, I got to fork over a chunk of change to Gwinnett County as my birthday present.

Happy Birthday to me!

I know normally you don't have to actually go to the tag office just to pay the taxes but some awesome person messed up and had me registered in the wrong county and they wanted me to pay $100 more than what I needed to. So, off to the tag office to fix that ish.

After the tag office, I swung by CrossFit for class where I have to [proudly] say that I have gotten past my fear of box jumps! I am back to jumping an 18" box!

Go me!

Then if was off the the softball fields to watch both my pretty girls play their first softball games.

Peyton is in the bright blue. 

Lulu is front and center

Today was a bit more of a struggle because we headed to the Food Truck Park. 

I did great and followed the plan all day. I also stuck as closely to clean eating at the park and think I did fairly well.

My first stop was Mighty Meatballs for the Chicken Parm [hold the parm] in a lettuce wrap


I had a few bites of the Kwanza Bowl from the WOW! Food Truck

and, some pulled pork with asian pear cole slaw from Sweet Auburn Barbecue

All of the food was incredible! I can't wait to go back and try more foods! I really think this place is a little hidden gem in the ATL!

Another great day on the books. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

day 6 and i WANT chocolate

This challenge has been fairly easy up until now but tonight I'm craving chocolate or hummus or chips and salsa.
I want something decadent and yummy. Blah.
The girls are with their dad so it's just me and the puppers and my growling tummy and
I want chocolate.
I even have 2 Skinny Cow candy bars taunting me in the kitchen. I seriously want to shove them in my mouth but I am resisting.

Honestly, today has been the hardest day and I have been doing great without any cravings or issues until now. I am following this cleanse to a T.

I have also run at least a mile every day since March 1st and I have gone to CrossFit Monday through Thursday. I wanted to make it this morning but was beat after last night.

Last night's WOD? It was one of the benchmarks...Eva. She's a mean girl.

5 rounds for time
800m run
30 kettle bell swings (#20)
30 pull ups

That's 150 pull ups total and I am so sore today!

I am exhausted but I am still going strong.
The real challenge is going to be this weekend and especially tomorrow. Why you ask?
I'm going to the Atlanta Food Truck Park
My sister ensures me that there is a truck with a Paleo menu.
This will be interesting. I am going to have to resist shoving some fried crap in my pie hole.

warning: boring deets below (days 4 & 5 - nearly identical)

Pre breakfast

Meal Replacement Shake

1 cup pineapple
1/4 cup raw cashews

spark w/ catalyst - 30 min before lunch

mixed greens w/ tomatoes, cukes, grilled chicken and cilantro

1/4 cup raw cashews
25oz water

before crossfit

leftover roast
25oz water

before bed
herbal cleanse packet

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 3 - and on, and on, and on

Yesterday was another great day with no struggles. It helped that I was annoyingly busy with work so even if I was hungry, I guess I didn't notice it.

It's another day where I'm not feeling overly wordy. Seriously, my life consists of work, the kids and working out right now. Nothing exciting. No news.

If the details of my day bores you, don't scroll down because I'm just going to post it all at the bottom for my own reference but I also know that some people like to read the details so that's why I'm including it.

I didn't get a lunch break yesterday so no run on my lunch. Luckily, I got my run in in the Pre and Post Wod with CrossFit. Here's the workout from yesterday:

Yes, it was as hard as it looks but it was an awesome workout. 
I have to say that if anyone in the Lawrenceville/Buford/Dacula area is looking to try something new, GATA CrossFit is the place to be! 
They are a newer box but they are effing AH-mazing! Seriously, love them. 
And, for the women, try it! The WOD last night was all women and most of us are newer to CrossFit so we're all learning together. 
If you want more info, contact me. 
If you want to try it, I'll come with you and we can torture ourselves together! 
Do it!

And, in other news, I painted my nails last night as well. I am totally in love with this color!

essie maximillian strasse-her

So, to recap, Day 3? Awesome and I'm still going strong.
No cravings.
I'm not starving.
I'm very satisfied with my food.
I'm losing inches. 
Wanna know how I can tell?
The pair of jeans I wore on Sunday? I can now pull them down over my hips without unbuttoning them.

All the boring deets are below:

Pre breakfast

fiber drink mixed with Spark
1:2 ratio scrambled eggs with green peppers

raw cashews

before lunch
Spark (12oz of water)

1 tilapia filet
1 avocado
25oz of water

1/4 cup raw almonds

crossfit + my 1 mile run

4oz chicken
1 cup broccoli

herbal  cleanse packet

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

This Girl is on Fire

I feel like I'm running on fumes lately. Why you ask?
Single mom
[more than] Full time employee
Church (yay God)
Chauffeur for the kids' activities
Neighborhood Social Committee (slacking)
Homework (the kid's, not mine)
Dealing with my 3 (yes, 3) dogs
Yard work
Paying bills
Did I miss anything?

And, in between all of that, I try to interact with my kids, spend time with my mom, sister and her kids.
Friends? I need to MAKE time for those nitches.
Dating? LMAO Who has time for that?
Me time? I get about an hour to an hour and a half after the girls go to bed to veg on the couch and catch up on tv and I guess you could count my running and CrossFit as 'me' time as well.
What about when the girls are with their dad, you say?
I do get some time then but they typically have games on the weekends and I still attend those. Those weekends are really the only time I have to myself so I tried to get out and go shopping or to lunch with my mom. I make the time for my longer runs and I try to clean up a little more when they're not here but it's too quiet, in the house, when they're gone so I try to get out as much as possible.
Otherwise, I end up talking to my dogs or narrating for them. Yes, I narrate my dogs thoughts, doesn't everybody?

That would sound something like this:
Houla (looking at me with his sad eyes): 'Hey Mama, I miss PeyPey. When's PeyPey gonna be home so I can snuggle with her at night.
Me: I know Houla, I miss our girls, too but they'll be home soon.

We have lots of conversations back and forth, those dogs and I.

I'm not going to lie. It's tough getting it all done. I have nobody to vent to at the end of my day.
Nobody to chat with about struggles or dreams.
Nobody to hug. Well, except the kids and the dogs and most days they are the perfect stand ins but,
you know what?
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I am happier than I ever was being married. Not to bash on my ex-husband even though, at times, I'd like to. ;-)
Not even sure why I'm telling you all this.
I'm not looking for sympathy.
I am happy.
I have been asked how I manage to do it all. Juggle everything.
I have to admit, I'm pretty rock star but my house is not spotless, the laundry piles up and the dishes can wait a day or two at times. That being sad, my house is also not a pig sty.
I get by.
The girls help out a lot.
Or as my sister used to say, I must have a horseshoe stuck up my ass because things always seem to fall in place for me.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 2 - still going strong

Bear with me today. I'm not feeling too wordy so here's how my day went.

fiber drink mixed with spark - 6oz water

1:2 ratio for eggs w/ green peppers
25 oz of water

1/4 cup raw almonds
25 oz of water

kind of hungry so i had:
30 min before lunch
Spark + Catalyst

then ran my 1 mile - 9:42

cucumbers w/ homemade guac
25 oz of water

1 cup of pineapple
1/4 cup of raw cashews
25oz of water

Catalyst 10 min before CrossFit

Front Squats w/ 65#
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Jump Ropes
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

That's 1100 jump ropes right there, people.
Completed in about 29ish minutes.
My time sucked tonight but my front squats rocked!

And, just in case you don't follow that workout because the WOD's can be confusing at times, that's 10 front squats then, 20 jump ropes, 9 front squats then, 40 jump ropes and so on.

Post WOD - 2x 500m row

Meal Replacement Shake
1 cup of mixed fresh fruit

I will be taking the PM portion of the Herbal Cleanse before bed...which I will be heading shortly.
This girl is beat.

And, just because he's so cute. I looked outside and he was sitting on the tree stump looking so cute.
He stood up when he saw me grab my phone to take a picture.

Day 1 - easy peasy

I woke up around 7:30 but didn't fully get out of bed until closer to 8:30am.
I woke up energized and ready to begin this challenge.
The scale was my first stop.

Starting weight is 158lbs and, I'm actually down 7lbs in the past 3 weeks anyway from cutting alcohol out of my diet. Lush. 
After weighing myself, I headed downstairs to take my Catalyst and then, I mixed up my fiber drink and Spark. 
Not gonna lie. The fiber drink was pretty nasty. My Advocare Advisor suggested I mix the fiber drink with the Spark and I did but I know what I did wrong for day 1. 
I mixed my Spark separately with about 8oz of water and then, I mixed my fiber drink with about 6oz of water and then, I mixed them together.
Bad idea.
That made 14oz of fiber drink to choke down. 
I tweaked my process for Day 2 and it went down much more smoothly. 
After that, I headed back upstairs to take my measurements and before pictures. 

I swear the camera really does add 10lbs. Especially when you have less clothes on. I swear I feel skinnier in jeans and tops.I thought about posting all of my befores (I took front and one from each side view) but I think I'll just post one of them and then, I'll do comparison side by sides at the end. 

I know y'all are super excited to read about my every move today but I really wanted to give you an overview of the first day. 
It really wasn't that hard. (TWSS)
I was never really starving or craving anything. 

After the measurements and pictures, I headed back downstairs to make breakfast and take the Omegaplex.
Scrambled eggs (they're in a blob like that because I cooked them in the microwave) and strawberries

I decided to head to the grocery store after breakfast as the girls were at my mom's from their sleepover the night before and I hate taking them to the grocery store with me.
I swear they have to touch every.single.item. on the shelves and fight and argue and drive me freaking insane.
Also, my mom decided to take them to Kohl's and Michael's to go shopping so I had some extra time to get a few things done.
Off to the grocery store to spend nearly $80. Almost all of that was produce, too. 
Home to put the shiz away and off to CrossFit for open gym.

Oh and I'm pretty sure I drank a Spark and took Catalyst before heading to the gym.

I got there just as they were opening at Noon and Tiffeny was there as well so we decided to work out together and chose this workout from Tuesday.

We did the walking lunges while holding a 15lb plate overhead and this workout amounted to approximately 150 lunges, I think.
81 pull ups (yes, you read that right...more on that in a sec)
81 ab mat sit ups
81 push ups (I'm a wuss and had to do these on my knees)
Time was 23:36 for me. Tiff was a bit faster. 

I was so proud of myself though. 
When I started CrossFit, I had to use the strongest band (blue) to help with my assisted pull ups and now I'm down to using just the green band which is the 2nd easiest.
Next stop will be the purple band and then, no band!! 

Here's an example of what it looks like with the band. You knot it around the bar.

Step into it

And, pull up

I'll admit, after working out is the only time I was really, really hungry.
I should have planned ahead and brought a Meal Replacement Shake with me, duh.
Because I left CrossFit and had to drive to my mom's house to pick up the girls. 
I had thoughts of stopping by Arby's, or Hardee's for something to hold me over and then would remember that I can't eat anything like that right now.
I also drove past a Sonic. Mmmmm, Cherry Limade but, nope.

So, I got the girls and we headed straight home so I could shove something in my pie hole. 
I did end up drinking a Meal Replacement shake and then crashed and took a 1/2 hour nap.
Then, I got up, drank a Spark and took Catalyst (now, I'm thinking I took too many Catalyst yesterday though) and ran 1 mile because I'm also crazy enough to sign up for a running challenge for the month of March.
A minimum of 1 mile needs to be run everyday. 

I decided to make a Paleo meatloaf for dinner last night. I used Coconut Flour instead of breadcrumbs. 
It was nasty. I followed her directions but there was too much flour and not enough liquid so the meatloaf was dry, crumbly and very floury tasting.
I ate it but didn't make the girls eat it.
Oh but I did make some kick ass guac to dip my cucumber slices in. OMG, it was so good! 
Just an avocado, lime juice, tons of cilantro and 2 spoons of fresh, all natural salsa. 

Then, before bed, I took the herbal cleanse and Catalyst again. See, this is where I think I took too many Catalyst. 
Better tracking today.

Ok, so I was really worried about cravings.
Especially at night when I typically have some sort of chocolate to satisfy my sweet cravings but all in all, I was perfectly satisfied all day. Weird.
As for water? I probably guzzled 80oz or more. 
I drink a lot of water and have been for awhile now.

I've rambled on long enough. I should have kept better notes throughout the day and will make sure I do better for day 2 as I feel like this post is a bit disjointed. 

Friday, March 1, 2013


I actually enjoyed this WOD (Workout Of the Day for you newbies) except for the Wall Climbs which should be more aptly named 'Wall Falls' because that's pretty much what I did.
They are hard to explain but facing away from the wall, hands on the ground, you put your feet up on the wall (you start out facing away from the wall, here peeps).
Walk your feet up (legs straight) while you walk your hands closer into the wall.
Basically a handstand.
Then, you walk your hands back out away from the wall and let your feet slide down.
in my case you fall the wall.
Got it?

Now, for T2B (Toes to Bar)
Do Wall Falls Climbs 5x and then head over the to rack, hang from the bar above you and pull your toes all the way up to your hands.
If you're still a weakling like moi, you hang from the bar and pull your knees up as close to your elbows as possible.

That last thing on the list?
Those back squats?
That's what's going to help your ass look like it hasn't slid down the back of your legs.
It's just a squat while holding a bar across your back.
It looks something like this:

No, that's not me (although strangely enough, I think she kind of resembles me). I'm not sure I even went down that far.
I back squated with 95# and
That's the most I've ever done!
That was some heavy shit, right there!

Then for the post WOD?
Just an easy 200 sit ups.
No biggie.

Now onto an Advocare update.
I stopped coffee today after weaning myself for the past 1 1/2 weeks and
I started the Spark, Catalyst and ThermoPlus today.
All three before breakfast and before lunch.
I'm also going to drink another Spark and take the Catalyst before CrossFit tonight.

Oh and my weight this morning?
And, I don't plan on going back into those 160's anytime soon.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

down 3lbs!

I haven't been able to get to Crossfit since last Thursday but thankfully, I did go last night.
Killer workout but I forgot to take a picture of the whiteboard so I could post. 
I'll do that tonight.

I did run on Sunday and actually ran, on my lunch hour, yesterday:
4.466 miles on Sunday
3.202 miles on Monday
I am also considering running today at lunch and I'll be heading to CF at 6:30 tonight. 

I've decided to do the Advocare 24 Day Challenge starting on March 4th.
I'll be sure to post my progress and before and after pictures.
Yep, you heard that right.
Before and afters, in a bikini, for all the world to see. I'm so excited! /sarcasm

Oh, and I'm down 3lbs since cutting out alcohol for Lent. I haven't had a drop since Saturday, February 9th and I feel great!

The pool opens in about 2 1/2 months and I intend to be bikini ready. My milkshake will bring all the boys to the yard.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

So, I fought that headache all week. Add to that, I was crazy busy all week between work, getting ready for Bunco, at my house, on Friday, and dealing with the girls activities.

I did CrossFit all week, though. Let me update you. :)

Tuesday WOD
12 min AMRAP - 10 rounds
7x back squat (85# - I think)
10x KBS (20#)
During the 12 min EMOM stop and do 40 JR

Post WOD - 4:47 minutes
100 Slam balls for time 
I started with the 20# for 35 and then finished the last 65 with 15#

Wednesday WOD
For Time: 23:10
1200m run (8 laps)
10x side to side ab mat (10#)
900m run (6 laps)
20x ab roller
600m run (4 laps)
30x clap/HR push up
300m run (2 laps)
40x T2R or K2E

Thursday WOD < 3
Eva - for time - 38:34
5 rounds
Run 800m (5 laps)
30x KBS 
30x pull ups

For Thursday, I ran for 2 rounds and then rowed the last 3 rounds. KBS, started with 20# the first 3 rounds and then moved to 18#. Pull ups were done with the green and purple band.

So, the headache came back every night but Wednesday. I didn't go on Friday and am taking today off as well. I may either run tomorrow or try to go to open gym if possible.

It's been a rough week for me between work, the headaches and the ex husband. Just trying to keep moving forward right now. Thank God for CrossFit. It really helps me unwind at the end of the day.

Monday, February 11, 2013

I've been battling this headache for two days now and I thought it had gone away. 
Went to CrossFit tonight and about 3 minutes into the workout, it came back.

WOD - For Time
50x walking lunge
20x clean and jerk (65#)
30x ring dips (did them on the box)
25x wall balls (14#)
30x GHD
30x kbs (20#) could probably go up to 25#
150 jump rope


Post WOD 
2x 500m row for time

I think my time would have been better had I not had to deal with this stupid headache.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Saturday morning - parter wod

100 kbs (20#) - (jumping jacks)
100 pull ups - (plank)
100 kb cleans - (mountain climbers)
100 kb push press - (6 inches)
100 sdhp - (box jumps)
100 kb goblet squat - (wall sit)

Our time was somewhere around 45 minutes, I believe

ETA: I feel like I should explain the above WOD a bit. Since it was a partner WOD, I didn't have to do 100 of any of those...we just had to split it up. Then, while one of us was doing our portion of the 100, the other partner had to be doing what was in parenthesis without taking a break. My partner and I split everything up evenly and typically did 25 reps and switched until we completed the 100.

I woke up this morning with a headache, drank a couple of cups of coffee and headed to the box for open gym. I wanted to make up Friday's workout which I missed.

Friday's WOD

Ass and Abs - 5 rounds of

50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10
walking lunges
ab mat sit ups

Post WOD 
4 rounds tabata (20 secs on/10 secs off)
kb swings - 20#
wall balls - 10#
slam balls - 20#
pull ups - green + purple band

My headache came back after the workout. Bummer. Now, I'm back in my pj's, chilling out on the couch until the girly's come home. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I love burpees...said no one ever!

10 rounds for time
all done with the girl bar plus 20# (65#?)

2x dead lift
2x power clean
2x front squat
2x push press
2x back squat

9:26ish - I can never remember my exact time

Post WOD damn near killed me.
100 push ups for time - 4ish minutes...UGH!


3x 25 burpees

OMG! 75 burpees? Eff me! I seriously thought I was going to die or throw up. 

Oh and I decided what I'm giving up for Lent. 

Alcohol. No more from next Wednesday through the whole month of March.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cardio WOD

750m run (5 laps around the building)
200 jump ropes
750m run 
200m row
750m run
200 jump ropes
750m run 
200m row

For time - 25:22

I need to make sure I pee 3x before class and work on my kegels. Stupid weak pelvic floor. 

Post WOD
6 rounds
20sec ab mat with 10# wall ball
10 sec off
20 sec broad jumps

Weird thing happened tonight. My back started locking up during the second round of jump ropes and then, during the last round of running, I had shooting pain up my right side into my boob. I had to walk about 1/2 a lap.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

just one of those days...

3 Rounds for time - 14:34 (totally sucked tonight on the time)

5x snatch (w/ the bar)
10x overhead squat (w/ the bar)
10x K2E (knees to elbows)
10x leg pistol
10x burpees
10x ring push ups
10x kbs (kettle bell swings)
20x mountain climbers

Um, can you say painful? Ring push ups? WTF?! Cruz (my CF instructor) had to hold the rings for me as I was not stable. Tonight just sucked and I was the only one in the class so there wasn't as much motivation.  Enough whining. I did it. I made it. 

Post WOD
3 rounds (now I'm wondering if it was supposed to be 4 but I only did 3...yes, my brain is fried)
15x kbs
20x ring dips (I had to switch to dips on the box because I suck)

Don't get me wrong, I still feel like I had a great workout.
I'm just being hard on myself.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cindy, Cindy, Cindy!

Benchmark WOD tonight

20 min AMRAP
5x pull ups (green band and purple band)
10x push ups
15x air squats

I completed 18 rounds. I think I could have done better but I'm definitely proud of the pull ups. I started with the blue band and look where I am, now!

Post WOD - 4 rounds
500 meter row
1 min ab mats

I am exhausted today after an insane day of work but this workout definitely help clear my head!

Friday, February 1, 2013

It's the freakin' weekend!

Our WOD today just about killed me. I don't typically lay out, on the ground, like half the class does after a WOD but, tonight? OMGosh. I was done. I know what my problem was. I didn't eat enough throughout the day. I got so busy with work in the afternoon and honestly totally forgot about my afternoon snack.

For time: 9 rounds
7x squat clean (I started with the guy's bar but ended up with the women's bar)
8x burpee box jumps (I did step ups on the 18" as I'm still terrified to jump)
I finished in 17:45.

Post WOD
EMOM for 10min (5 rounds of each)
15x kettlebell swings (the lowest weight)
20x tricep dips on the box

I am so sore. I really want to go tomorrow morning but I think I'm going to miss it so I'm going to try to get a 5 mile run in. 

Oh and I'm tired. So tired. Between work and crossfit, I am just beat but it's a good tired. 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

WODn at home

I knew I wouldn't be able to make it to CrossFit today so, I decided to do the WOD from Tuesday, at home. 
All cardio so I knew I could do it here.

20 min AMRAP
150m run (about 1/10 of a mile)
100 jump ropes

I completed 8 rounds in the  20 min but decided to round out my workout to an even mile run and 1000 jump ropes.

24:40 to complete.
7:30 min mile pace
Oh and my jump ropes? I used to have that little double bounce in between jumps but I've gotten it to a single bounce, now! Little accomplishments!

ETA: I think I need to work on my kegels. On my last 100 jump ropes, I noticed I peed myself a little. Oh the joys of being a woman who's given birth. Thank goodness that happened at home and not at the box. :giggle:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

fly by

I wanted to post the WOD before I forgot.

18 min AMRAP

5x hang cleans
10x shoulder press
150m row

I completed 9 2/3 rounds

Post WOD
Max time L sits
4x 15 knees to elbows

Arms are jello and I now have blisters on my hands. Yay! I feel like a real CrossFitter now.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Restless Barbara

Restless Barbara is a bitch.

5 rounds for time - 25:18

20x Pull ups (blue band)
30x push ups
40x sit ups (ab mats)
50x air squats

Yeee Ouch. 

My arms are jello. 

Oh and yes, I used the blue band but I think I could go to the next easier band with the next round of pullups.

ETA: I meant to add up my rounds so, that was:

100 pull ups
150 push ups
200 sit ups
250 air squats

Surprisingly, only my upper body and abs are sore today. I thought, for sure, my glutes would be, too.

I ran, did you?

Yesterday was mostly a lazy Sunday. I've started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and got to season 2 before I decided to head out for a run. 

5.85 miles completed. Outside. Around the n'hood. It felt great other than being a bit chilly and my hands becoming numb. I have to say that my feet felt like lead yesterday, for some reason. 

The girls got home at 6pm last night and we did, indeed, get PF Cheng's for dinner. Yummy Crab Wontons and Lettuce Wraps. 

I'm going to head to CrossFit tonight around 6ish when I get off work. I'm having a lot of anxiety about going lately and I think it's all because of that box jump injury which is still a bit tender, BeeTeeDubs. Ugh. 

But, I'm going to go because I always, always feel better afterward.

So, Lent is coming up and I've been trying to decide what to give up. Here's what I'm thinking so far:


 The only cruddy part is that my birthday falls right in the middle of all of this so whatever I give up, I won't be able to enjoy on my bday. I know I need to give up something, though. Last year, instead of giving up, I committed to go to church every Sunday. 

And, I did it.
And, it's become a routine for me now. 
So, this is going to be a tough one for me because I really love all of those things. 


Sunday, January 27, 2013


I'll start out with something good...a picture from CrossFit yesterday

I'm second from the right and even though I'm all sweaty, I love this picture! Great teamwork yesterday even if we did finish last. 

So, yes, I'm feeling a little blah today and I'm not sure why as I had a great day yesterday. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit lonely today, I don't know. I'll be happy when the girls get home at 6pm. 

Also, I need to run. I haven't been eating all that great this weekend and my weight is up. I hate that. I'd love to head out for a run outside but it's a bit chilly...we'll see but I might just stick to the treadmill. I want to get about 5 miles in though because I'm craving PF Cheng's for dinner. 

Oh and I'm sore from yesterday and it feels AWESOME! I can't wait to head out to class tomorrow evening!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Up and at 'em.

Boy, I slept for crap last night and did not want to get up this morning. I was dreaming about CrossFit and box jumps, go figure. These stupid box jumps have messed with my head and are giving me anxiety. Not cool. 

I worked 7a-9p again last night, read a bit and then went to bed. I woke up about 8am to let the dogs out and almost chickened out of going to workout. I had this build up, in my mind, that Saturday's are brutal and I couldn't do it. I am dumb. I made my ass get out of bed by 8:30 so I could get ready and headed over there about 9am.

I don't know what I was so worried about. Yes, it's hard. Yes, I sweat my ass off. Yes, I feel like I'm going to throw up and I LOVE every minute of it. I love the people. I love being pushed. I love how it's never the same workout. 

Teams of 4
400 jump ropes (only one person jumps 400 at a time but we ALL had to jump 400)

While one person is jumping the rest of us do AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
8x slam balls (20lb)
4x burpees 
8x pushups (one of these days I'll get off my knees)

We finished in 21:04 or something close to that. We were slow but that's was an awesome workout! After that we did a post WOD

2 rounds of lunges carrying 25lb overhead
2 rounds of wall squats for 1 min each time

My legs are jello.

I also did 100 ab mats which is basically just a full sit up. 

What a great way to start my day!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

It's been awhile

I know it's been a minute since I updated. I missed an entire week of CrossFit due to work but I did go last night and am hoping that I'm back in the game. 

I've been working 7a-9p quite a few days in the last week and it's cutting into my 'me' time of running and crossfitting. The scale is down a bit, though at 162lbs this morning. I'll take it. 

Last night's WOD was good and mostly lower body.

Max Rounds - 5 rounds at 3 min
3x deadlifts - (I think I did about 75lbs. The guy's bar plus 20lbs)
6x box jumps ( I did step ups as I'm still scared to jump)
9x Kettle bell swings - 18lb but I feel like I could go up in weight here

2 2/3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 1/3

I know that makes no sense to most people but basically, for the first round, I got 2 2/3 meaning I was able to complete 2 rounds of the above and get through the deadlifts and box jumps before time was called.

I contemplating going tomorrow (Saturday morning) as well. I hear Saturday's are typically partner WOD's and I hate anything partner and that it's usually brutal. I know I'll be glad I went after it's all over. 

Funny note: Yesterday afternoon, I was talking to Lulu and mentioned that I was a little nervous about going back since I haven't been in a week. Lulu told me that, in life, when you're afraid of something, you basically have to face your fear and just do it. Then you won't be afraid anymore. This, from my 8 year old. Thanks Lu, you were right.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Food for 1/15/2013

I didn't weight myself this morning but will do that tomorrow.

~ 2 eggs
~ 1/2 banana

Morning snack
~ pineapple - 1 cup

~ Lean cuisine baked chicken

Afternoon snack
~ special K bar

~ whole wheat thin spaghetti w/ meat sauce
~ 1 cheesey bread
~ 2 small glasses of wine
~ skinny cow chocolate bar


That's What She Said

Crossfit last night was brutal and I damn near passed out. 

Here's the WOD:


Burpee box jumps
kettlebell swings (18#)
moutain climbers
sumo deadlift highups (65#, 45#)
wall balls (10#)

Finished in 25:54

So, we got all of our equipment set up and I grabbed a 20inch box instead of an 18 inch (see below for what a box looks like). Before the workout started, I decided to attempt a jump since I had only done them once before. let's just say that 2 inches, on a box jump, really does make a big difference.

I bit it. I slammed my shin so hard into the corner of the box that I nearly passed out. I started sweating immediately and my leg was freaking throbbing. It swelled and bruised almost immediately, too.  Ugh! They gave me a couple of minutes to gather myself before they started the workout. I decided not to do the jumps and instead did step ups. I managed to get through the workout and felt great thanks to the adrenaline. Once I stopped, all the pain came rushing back.

I iced on and off last night and took a pain killer before bed. It's feeling a teensy bit better today as long as I'm icing it. I think I also did the sumo deadlifts wrong as my lower back is bothering me today. :sigh:

ETA: About the wine from last night. I know I shouldn't have had any but I was in so much pain last night and wanted something additional to numb it. lol My plan/goal is still to not buy anymore. I'll get there. 
Food Journal - 1/14/2013

~ 2 eggs
~ banana - medium
~ coffee w/ fat free creamer (3tbsp)

Morning Snack
~ pineapple - approx 1 cup

~ leftover pot roast - 5oz
~ sweet potato w/ 1tsp brown sugar and a teeny bit of real butter

Afternoon Snack

~ lean cuisine salad creations (first time trying it and it was actually pretty good)
~ skinny cow chocolate bar
~ wine - i know, i know. i'll explain this later.


Monday, January 14, 2013

{fat}back on track

As much as I hate to post my weight, I'm going to.


Look at that number. Ugh, fatty! I didn't even weigh that much through Christmas and New Year. I'm not sure if it's a combination of my period starting and the change in workout. My jeans are just a teensy bit tighter than when I was about 160, before the holidays.

Never mind the excuses. That's all irrelevant. I have healthy food and have decided to cut out alcohol all week (except maybe Thursday when I have Bunco) and I am going to chug the water. 100oz/day is my goal.

I ran outside on Saturday (6.65 miles) and did speed intervals (2 miles) on the treadmill yesterday.

Today, I CrossFit! Can't wait to get back.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm addicted to CrossFit

I started CrossFit on January 2nd and haven't looked back. I never really got my weight under control since my last post and am hovering right around that same weight. I knew I needed something new and while I still love to run, I wanted a challenge and to tone up.

I have declared 2013 the year of ME. Screw dating, screw relationships, I just want to focus on what I can do with my life, my career, my kids, my fitness. I have too many bikinis just sitting in my closet begging to be worn to the pool this summer. I am committed! I say that so let's hope I can live it as well!

 Plans are to run today. I'm going to to speed intervals on the 'mill after doing a 6.6 mile easy run yesterday and then, tomorrow, I CrossFit!

My plans for food are to start cooking more to eat healthier, cut WAY back on the wine and give up hummus for now. I know hummus isn't necessarily unhealthy but I once I start eating it, I can't stop. 

Plans for meals this week:

~ 2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon for breakfast
~ granola bar for snack
~ lean cuisine for lunch
~ pineapple for afternoon snack
~ chicken, tilapia, sweet potatoes, broccoli for dinners

I want to see how that goes. I'd love to do a complete Paleo for a week but I know, with my schedule that lean cusines, for lunch will be easier.