Tuesday, June 17, 2008

142lbs again this morning.

~ oatmeal - 2pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ nutrigrain bar - 2pts

~ sandwich - 3pts
~ yogurt - 2pts

~ apple - 1pt
~ popcorn - 1pt

~ ff refried beans - 3pts
~ light beer - 2pts
~ pale ale - ?
~ a few pringles - 2pts

total pts used - pts

I tried to run tonight and it was a bust. My right kneecap was really bothering me. I ended up not doing anything and just coming home. I don't know if I've been overdoing it the past week but I have a feeling that's what the problem was. I haven't had a day off of working out in about a week now and I guess my body is telling me that I need a rest day. It's hard for me to do because I really do love to work out and I also freak out when I can't work out and burn some calories. At least I did a lot of cleaning today so hopefully I burned some extra calories there.
I'm having trouble remembering to journal my activity so I can track my runs.

Saturday ~ ran 3.5 miles in approx. 41min
Sunday ~ ran ~4 miles and did 20 minutes on the stairmaster
Monday ~ 60 minutes on the stairmaster

Monday, June 16, 2008

142 this morning.

~oatmeal - 2pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~mashed potatoes ?pts (i know, i know but i'm having a bad day)

~bagel - 7.5pts
~mr pibb - ?

~handful of reduced fat cheez its

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Ok, so my pts for yesterday are totally off but oh well.

~ oatmeal - 2pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ steak and cheese from subway - 7pts

~ nutrigrain bar - 2pts
~ dark chocolate - 1pt

total - 13pts

Friday, June 13, 2008


~ oatmeal - 2pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ bagel w/ reduced fat cream cheese - 7.5pts

~ foster's grill
~ 4 beers
~ bottle of wine (i drank way too much last night)

total pts used - 10.5pts
total activity pts earned - 4pts
total pts used - 6.5pts

Thursday, June 12, 2008


~ oatmeal made with water - 2pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ popcorn - 1pt
~ a couple bites of the girls' snacks at the movies - 2pts

~ chicken pita from great steak and potato co - 9.5pts

~ apple - 1pt

~ low fat pancakes - 5pts
~ beer - 6pts
~ popcorn - 1pt

total - 28.5pts
less 4 activity pts - 24.5

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

144.5 this morning and I'm still unhappy about my weight. I ate way worse when I was working so I just don't understand. I'm hoping it's just swelling from my surgery.

~ oatmeal made with water - 4pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ ff refried beans - 2pts

~ nutrigrain bar- 2pts
~ nectarine - 1pt

~ ff refried beans - 3pts
~ light beer - 6pts
~ popcorn - 1pt
~ small piece of dark chocolate - 2pts

total pts used - 22pts
activity pts earned - 4pts
total pts available - 2pts

Today I ran 5.65 miles in approx. an hour. According to the treadmill I burned about 637 calories. Then I did the stairmaster for 20 minutes and according to that, I burned about 175 calories. :-)

Monday, June 9, 2008

145lbs this morning. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I really didn't eat that bad over the weekend either so I don't know what the heck is going on. I can tell that I'm really swollen, though, so I'm hoping that is the main reason for the gain.

6/6 ~ full body workout and 15 minutes on the stairmaster
6/7 ~ ran 45 minutes and 20 minutes on the stairmaster
6/8 ~ ran 4.75 miles and 20 minutes on the stairmaster

Today I am working out with Amy and maybe I'll go to the gym tonight again and do the stairmaster or elliptical. No running, though, so I can give my knees a break

~ oatmeal w/ brown sugar - 5pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ mr pibb - 2pts
~ bagel with reduced fat cream cheese - 11pts


activity pts earned - 4pts

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ok, so my goal is to get back down to 133lbs, which is where I was when I went in for my surgery. That's only about 7-8lbs more and I know that I can do. I want to step up my running even a little more and build up my mileage as I'm thinking of running a full marathon in February and I'm definitely going to do the Atlanta Half marathon on Thanksgiving day.

Am I happy with my body right now? I would say that I could live with it but I'm not happy being in the 140's especially when I was in the 130's for so long. I guess I get scared that I will start gaining and one day I'll be back to where I was before. That really freaks me out. Even though I'm essentially 'skinny', I still have a hard time seeing that in the mirror thanks to my parents for all the negative body image thoughts that I have in my head.
141.5lbs this morning.

~ oatmeal - 3pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ apple - 1pt
~ 2 pieces of chocolate - 2pts
~ popcorn - 1pt
~ twix - 2pts

~bagel - 11pts

~ ff refried beans - 3pts
~ beer - 4pts

pts used = 28pts
less 4 activity pts = 24

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

142.0 this morning and I ran 5.0 miles today.

~ oatmeal - 3pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ nectarine - 1pt
~ crackers - 4pts
~ graham crackers
~ 2 pieces of chocolate

~ beef and broccoli - 3pts

~ quesadilla - 5pts
~ beer - 2pts

total - ? not sure but I was really hungry today. I could have done better but I could have done worse.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I forgot to add that I ran almost 5.5 miles on the treadmill today. I'm working out with Amy in the morning and then I plan on running again on Wednesday. We're going to the pool tomorrow so maybe I will jump in the pool and drag the kids around for awhile. I feel like my weight is heading in the right direction and my food choices have been better yesterday and today. I need to keep it up and get back into the 130's. My goal is to get back down to 130lbs so that's about 13lbs to lose. I know that I can do it especially since I've stepped up my running.
143.5lbs this morning. A little bit better but not much. I missed my workout with Amy this morning but I'm going to try to run later today.

~ oatmeal - 3pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ carrots - .5pts
~ crackers - 1.5pts

~ fat free refried beans - 3pts

~ mexican pizza w/out beef - 9pts
~ light beer - 8pts

total pts - 26pts
activity pts earned - 4pts
total pts used 22pts

Sunday, June 1, 2008

146.0lbs this morning and I'm trying not to freak out. Breathe Jenn, breathe.

~ oatmeal - 3pts
~ coffee - 1pt

~ strawberries and some apple - 1pt
~ cookie dough - 4pts (at least it's all gone now and I can stop eating it)

~ sandwich w/ 1pt ham, 1pt cheese, mustard and pickles - 3pts
~ carrots - .5pts

~ fat free refried beans w/ 2% cheese and hot sauce - 3pts
~ light beer - 6pts
~ popcorn - 1pt

I ran 5.76 miles tonight for an additional 4pts

total pts used - 22.5pts
activity pts earned - 4pts
pts left 0pts