Thursday, June 5, 2008

Ok, so my goal is to get back down to 133lbs, which is where I was when I went in for my surgery. That's only about 7-8lbs more and I know that I can do. I want to step up my running even a little more and build up my mileage as I'm thinking of running a full marathon in February and I'm definitely going to do the Atlanta Half marathon on Thanksgiving day.

Am I happy with my body right now? I would say that I could live with it but I'm not happy being in the 140's especially when I was in the 130's for so long. I guess I get scared that I will start gaining and one day I'll be back to where I was before. That really freaks me out. Even though I'm essentially 'skinny', I still have a hard time seeing that in the mirror thanks to my parents for all the negative body image thoughts that I have in my head.

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