Friday, February 1, 2013

It's the freakin' weekend!

Our WOD today just about killed me. I don't typically lay out, on the ground, like half the class does after a WOD but, tonight? OMGosh. I was done. I know what my problem was. I didn't eat enough throughout the day. I got so busy with work in the afternoon and honestly totally forgot about my afternoon snack.

For time: 9 rounds
7x squat clean (I started with the guy's bar but ended up with the women's bar)
8x burpee box jumps (I did step ups on the 18" as I'm still terrified to jump)
I finished in 17:45.

Post WOD
EMOM for 10min (5 rounds of each)
15x kettlebell swings (the lowest weight)
20x tricep dips on the box

I am so sore. I really want to go tomorrow morning but I think I'm going to miss it so I'm going to try to get a 5 mile run in. 

Oh and I'm tired. So tired. Between work and crossfit, I am just beat but it's a good tired. 

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