Monday, January 14, 2013

{fat}back on track

As much as I hate to post my weight, I'm going to.


Look at that number. Ugh, fatty! I didn't even weigh that much through Christmas and New Year. I'm not sure if it's a combination of my period starting and the change in workout. My jeans are just a teensy bit tighter than when I was about 160, before the holidays.

Never mind the excuses. That's all irrelevant. I have healthy food and have decided to cut out alcohol all week (except maybe Thursday when I have Bunco) and I am going to chug the water. 100oz/day is my goal.

I ran outside on Saturday (6.65 miles) and did speed intervals (2 miles) on the treadmill yesterday.

Today, I CrossFit! Can't wait to get back.

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